Friday, February 02, 2007

Postage Stamp of the Week: George Halas

Welcome to my blog's latest feature, Postage Stamp of the Week™ (inspired by that killer crossword stamp below). The US Postal Service has issued enough stamps in the last 160 years to keep this thing afloat for awhile, so let's get right to it, shall we?

George Halas, depicted on this 1997 stamp, coached the Chicago Bears for 40 years -- including six NFL titles -- and to this day his Bears pay tribute by wearing his initials on their sleeves.

So, Bears v. Colts, Super Bowl XLI. At this time last year I was pooping my pants over the Seahawks's Super Bowl debut, in a cool old city with my favorite band playing halftime. However, I'm fairly indifferent about this year's game. Ever since the Colts left Baltimore, I haven't been able to take the India-no-place team too seriously. Meanwhile, the Bears clobbered my 'Hawks 37-6 earlier this year on national primetime TV, and then knocked them out of the playoffs in a 27-24 overtime game a couple weeks back. Still, the ol-skoo Bears are my sentimental favorite, but I won't be paying much attention.

Anyway, read more about the legendary George Halas here.


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