Monday, October 16, 2006


This is Barpy!, a snack product I picked up last year at a grocery store in Croatia. It's kinda like Kraft Cheese 'n Crackers, only substituting chocolate for the cheese. You peel back the foil wrapper to reveal a clear, two-compartment plastic tray, then dip these little bread sticks from one compartment into this Nutella-like creamy chocolate goo in the other (as the artwork suggests). It's not much of a snacking experience, but I find the ridiculous product name and Brady Bunch font and overall design irresistible... Barpy!


At 5:57 AM, August 20, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just back from Croatia - we found lots of Barpy spreads available in hotels for breakfast. Managed to bring a large jar home. Gotta love the Barpy.


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